Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Oscar Pistorius to stay in prison for foreseeable future after Justice Minister rejects early release

Oscar Pistorius will not be released from prison on Friday, the South African Justice Department has confirmed.
The Paralympian athlete was expected to be released from prison in Pretoria to carry out the rest of his sentence under house arrest at his uncle’s home. However, the Justice Minister said releasing him after he had served just ten months of his five-year sentence was "premature".
The 28-year-old's family said they were "shocked and disappointed" by the decision on Wednesday.

Pistorius was convicted of culpable homicide for shooting dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp four times through a locked bathroom door on Valentine's Day in 2013. He claimed he mistook Steenkamp for an intruder and acted in self-defence, while prosecutors claim he shot with intent to kill.

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